Brazil in Pictures

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Here you can all get a slight feel of some of what I've been seeing. Since this is me taking these pictures, expect a mix of things, some of whih you probably won't quite understand the point of me taking a picture.

A "Quarter" in a video arcade

My first experience of Middle Eastern fast food - Mister Sheik!

Bob's - Probably the most common fast food in Brazil

The view from the hotel room

Brazilian Telephone Pole - Looks different, doesn't it?

The churrasco in our room

The Brazilian Countryside

Brazil from the "driver's seat"

Rafael from the rear

Stela and Co.

Stela (a bit blurry)

Somewhere, Brazil

A famous bridge in Florianópolis

The same bridge from the side


Habib's - My new favorite fast food joint!

Brazilian countryside - I saw a lot of it